To encourage charitable and social service activities of every kind to help the needy and poor sections of society without any sort of decimations. Promote advance and encourage and aid helping, promoting, advancing and encouraging all activities for physical and mental well being and upliftment of public.
It is an autonomous, non-profit making organization, devoted to strengthen and further the cause of environmental education, science and technology, and related research in India. Promoting environmental, awareness and develop sustainable technologies. Objectives of the organization rural development, which includes self employment and wage employment, effective implementation of existing schemes, formulation and enforcement of new schemes, land reforms, area and need based specific developments and promotion of voluntary agencies and other nongovernmental organizations. To develop a scientific outlook in the community in matters concerning women and children, handicapped and socially maladjusted groups and other weaker groups.
A fundamental challenge facing every society is to create political, economic, educational and social system that promote peace, human welfare and the sustainability of the environment on which life depends. We believe that the best way to meet this challenge is to encourage initiatives by those living and working closest to where problems are located; to promote collaboration among the nonprofit government and business sectors; and to ensure participation by men and women from diverse communities and at all levels of society. In our experience such activities help build common understanding enhance excellence enable people to improve their lives and reinforce their commitment to society The Ashoka Foundation is one of the leading trusts in Mumbai. Ashoka Foundation is a NGO which is devoted to social, medical and educational development. It is registered under Govt of Maharashtra (Regd). Ashoka Foundation has been done lots of work for social, medical and educational development since last few years successfully in our society. The work of Ashoka Foundation in the field of social, medical, and educational creates brand image in the mind of people The Ashoka Foundation is one source of support for these activities. We work mainly by making grants or loans that build knowledge and strengthen organizations and networks. Since our financial resources are modest in comparison with social needs, we focus on a limited number of problem areas and program strategies within our board goals. We first focus on IT education so that our countries can achieve difficult goals in a smooth ways. 21st century is known as an IT Century. Let’s start spreading IT education among all the people. Our main is to achieve social goals. And to achieve that goal we need source of fund so that we can serve poor and needy people. By starting this IT education project we all can spread IT awareness among all people. To achieve goals in social and human welfare, success of this project is very important so let’s come together and make a project successful.
Founded in 1995 the foundation operated in a national level. Since its inception it has been an independent, nonprofit organization. The trustees of the foundation set policy and delegate authority to the president and the senior staff for the foundation’s grant making and operations. Program officers in the Mumbai explore opportunities to pursue the foundation’s goals, formulate strategies and recommended proposals for funding. Since its character stated that its resources should be used “all for the public welfare”. The foundation made grants to many different kinds of organization. The foundation become a national philanthropy dedicated to the advancement of human welfare and human development Perhaps most significant, the foundation declared its intention to focus on solving humankind’s most pressing problems, whatever they might be rather than to work in any particular field. This was the more traditional and accepted approach for foundation the trust set program areas; the establishment of education centers, the establishment of peace, the strengthening of democray, and the strengthening of the economy ,education in a democratic society. Organize free medical camp, organize eye testing and surgery camp, free distributions camp, education health and individual behavior a human relations etc. We believe that the best way to meet this challenge is to encourage initiatives by those living and working closest to where problems are located to promote collaboration among the nonprofit , government and business sectors; and to ensure participation by men and women from diverse communities and at all levels of society. In our experience such activities help build understanding, enhance excellence enable people to improve their lives and reinforce their commitment to society. We organized various social and event like free medicine distribution. Blood donation camp. Aids awareness program. Cancer patient aid program. Mahila rojar yojana. Youth Employment program. IT education program. Student Scholarship program, free eye testing program. Free specs distribution and Free Cataract Surgery program etc.
Service Education – School College & IT
To establish, run manager pre-primary, secondary higher secondary schools. In Marathi, English and other mediums to establish, Art, Science, Commerce, Medical, D. pharm, Ayurvedic, Engineering, Law, Agricultural, Nursing college, Agricultural Research Center, Technical, Engineering. College/ Institutes for Degrees, Diploma, D.Ed, B.Ed colleges. Also to impart computer education and knowledge about information technology.
Medical—Hospital and Health care center To establish blood banks with complete infrastructure, to establish, Hi-Tech Diagnostic Centers for upliftment of all needy person. Providing latest facilities such as sonography, cancer detection, Control of PID’s infection, control of transmission of HIV diagnosis and control of leprosy, T.B.etc. And to make the people aware of HIV infection and protection against it.